Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Backstroke Boy

Noah swims with the Corvallis Aquatic Team. He has been doing this since February. He is really enjoying himself. His body (while still very slender) is developing quite a abdominal six pack!

Noah was in his first swim meet today. He swims backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. He did much better than I thought he would do. (This kid is constantly amazing me!!) As he was still just 8 years old he was able to swim the short(est) course.

His 25M backstroke time was 29.52. He DQd in 25M breaststroke but had a time of 39.56. I beleive he didn't touch the wall with both hands at the same time.

His 25M freestyle time was 59.48. When he dove into the water his goggles slid down his face to his neck. He popped up and swiped his eye and kept swimming. He stopped again(!) and caught his breath and finished the race. He said later that he *just couldn't breathe* and I suppose he was a bit reaked out. HE FINISHED THE RACE!! I am so proud of him for doing that!!

I am just so amazed and proud of this guy! He really is a great kid ... kind, helpful, thoughtful, funny, warm and caring, smart. He gives good hus too. I am so lucky to be in his life.

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