Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Star is Born - My First Video

Here is my first attempt at video. **I did it by myself!!** Well I had the help of, Internet Archive, and had the great information in an easy to view/read format. Their site is fun and funky too. in conjunction with Internet Archive lets you upload your content for free, for keeping, for ever. I ended up using their OurMedia Publishing tool. (I couldn't seem to make it work the other way. I kept getting a blank Done webpage. This morning I see I was successful several times and will need to cull out the extras!) If I can do this you can do this too!!

I would like to thank my friend Erica for inspiring me. She is my technical magic cape. She rocks!!

The video is of Luka playing SE Asian hand chimes and singing Jingle Bells on Christmas day. Initially no one taught him how to do this. His brother (Noah) was playing Jingle Bells on the piano and Luka picked up the hand chimes to shake while he sang *jingle bells* over and over. He has been asked repeatedly to perform it however. Andy tried to video Luka singing for over 15 minutes. It wasn't pretty! This is the best of all the footage we captured. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore Luka, ageless Mommy!