Saturday, February 25, 2006

It is ALL Over

The knitting Olympics have come and gone.

I am not finished with my project.

I spent the last days helping Noah do his project. I spent the next days getting prepared for the Portland Yard Garden and Patio Show. I am selling Usborne books in a booth at this event.

This is a picture of Mara and I in our beautiful, colorful, exciting booth. Who wouldn't want a child's book at an event like this??

I spent my days and nights working the booth with Marvelous Mara. The whole family came up for some Portland fun while I worked.

This show was awe inspiring! Even I wanted to go out and dig around in the yard (if you knew me and my yard you would KNOW how much this isn't me) . This picture is of a GINORMOUS lake that they created in the middle of the exhibition hall. That is a waterfall in the middle of the far side of the lake. The trees would look well grown and developed in any yard. It was amazing!!

In any event ... I spent not one moment of time on my KO project. I fought off the migraine from H*LL on Saturday too.

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