Monday, February 20, 2006

Knitting Olympics on Hold

My lovely and most cherished older son, Noah, has picked up a little work. He is so excited for this project!

He is working for a woman by the name of Sara. She owns/operates a website called Yarn of the Month. She is also hard at work writing a book of knitting patterns. (I am looking forward to this book. I think she has a great style.) She is between a rock and a hard spot. She needs to write and knit and write some more to get her book ready to go to the publisher. She needs to get yarns ready for her Yarn of the Month business. She has hired Noah.

His job is to take the regular skeins of yarn from the manufacturer and rewind them into smaller skeins. These then get placed into a mini zip lock bag with the yarn information (name, gauge, needle size, etc.) placed on sticky label. He LOVES this job. I love getting a preview of the yarns! We both hope he does a good enough job for her so he can continue this for a while.

He has had a number of days to complete this project. He put it off to the last moment. I will be putting the Knitting Olympics on hold to help him out. Next month (if there is a next month) we will do a better job of planning out his work load.

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